
The ROI Of Empathy: Improving Business Results And Workplace Culture

Empathy can be defined as showing people that you understand them and care how they feel. That sounds simple enough. But why is showing empathy—especially in the workplace—so hard? Everyone in the workplace values empathy and recognizes empathy as key to driving performance outcomes. The top four perceived benefits of being an empathetic organization are:   Yet, for … Read more

The Deliberate Leadership Practice Of Giving Thanks

Over two thousand years ago, Publilius Syrus was referencing leadership when he wrote, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” Calm is not the first word that comes to mind to describe 2020. By all measures, this year has been an ocean of commotion. As the wave of one crisis crashes into the next, … Read more

Why are Leaders so Bad at Empathy?

At its core, leadership is a relationship. It’s no secret that connection is a key leadership skill.  If you can’t connect well, you can’t lead well.  There are many practices to strengthen connection with those you lead.  However, the most powerful is the keystone habit of empathy.  Empathy–showing people that you understand them and that … Read more

The Problem With Being the Expert

Ken has a problem. Ken’s a finance control manager within a global finance organization. Like of the leaders I coach, Ken’s very smart. In fact, when it comes to his business specialty, he’s a subject matter expert. Ken knows the work of his team inside and out. So what’s Ken’s achilles heel? Communicating clearly. He … Read more

5 Reasons You Should Admit Mistakes

Have you made a mistake at work? I’ve asked that question to numerous groups of leaders. Every hand in the room goes up. We all make mistakes. Yet why are they hard to admit? Because admitting them causes us pain. Psychologists call it cognitive dissonance: the stress caused from holding two ore more contradictory beliefs … Read more

Three Keys to Creating Candor

I work with a lot of leaders who want to be better at managing conflict. Frankly, that’s not their real issue. What they really need to do is get better at dealing with the absence of conflict. Far more teams suffer from the disease of pseudo-harmony than overt disputes. Personal attacks are quite rare. If … Read more

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